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Motor Control Boxes

Franklin single-phase controls are designed and optimized specifically for Franklin Electric motors. Controls are an integral part of a submersible motor power system. Rigorous component testing ensures the most robust products in the industry.


  • Franklin Electric submersible control boxes are designed and optimized specifically for Franklin three-wire, single-phase motors rated 1/3 to 15 hp.

QD & CRC Features:

  • Exclusive Franklin Electric QD Relay
  • Suitable for outdoor mounting
  • Capacitor Start
  • Run Capacitor (Only CRC Boxes)
  • UL listed for US and Canada (60 Hz models)

Standard, Deluxe & XL Deluxe Features:

  • Heavy duty box-type terminals accept up to AWG #2 wire
  • External access to overload resets
  • Multiple-size knockouts
  • User-friendly connection diagrams
  • Easy access to grounding lugs

Standard, Deluxe & XL Deluxe Features:

QD & CRC Control Boxes (4-Inch 3-Wire)

1/3 CONTROL BOX, QD 115 60 2801024915
220 50 2803532115
230 60 2801034915
1/2 CONTROL BOX, QD 115 60 2801044915
220 50 2803552115
230 60 2801054915
CONTROL BOX, CRC 230 60 2824055015
3/4 CONTROL BOX, QD 220 50 2803572115
230 60 2801074915
CONTROL BOX, CRC 230 60 2824075015
1 CONTROL BOX, QD 220 50 2803582115
230 60 2801084915
CONTROL BOX, CRC 230 60 2824085015

Standard, Deluxe & XL Deluxe Control Boxes (4- and 6-Inch 3-Wire)

1 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 230 60 2823008110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2823008310
1.5 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 220 50 2823508110
230 60 2823008110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2823008310
2 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 220 50 2823518110
230 60 2823018110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2823018310
3 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 220 50 2823528110
230 60 2823028110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2823028310
5 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 220 50 2822539010
230 60 2821138110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2821139310
7.5 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 230 60 2822019210
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2822019310
10 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 230 60 2822029230
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2822029330
15 CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2822039330
CONTROL BOX, XL DELUXE 230 60 2822039621

QD & CRC Control Boxes (4-Inch 3-Wire)

1/3 CONTROL BOX, QD 115 60 2801024915
220 50 2803532115
230 60 2801034915
1/2 CONTROL BOX, QD 115 60 2801044915
220 50 2803552115
230 60 2801054915
CONTROL BOX, CRC 230 60 2824055015
3/4 CONTROL BOX, QD 220 50 2803572115
230 60 2801074915
CONTROL BOX, CRC 230 60 2824075015
1 CONTROL BOX, QD 220 50 2803582115
230 60 2801084915
CONTROL BOX, CRC 230 60 2824085015

Standard, Deluxe & XL Deluxe Control Boxes (4- and 6-Inch 3-Wire)

1 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 230 60 2823008110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2823008310
1.5 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 220 50 2823508110
230 60 2823008110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2823008310
2 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 220 50 2823518110
230 60 2823018110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2823018310
3 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 220 50 2823528110
230 60 2823028110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2823028310
5 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 220 50 2822539010
230 60 2821138110
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2821139310
7.5 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 230 60 2822019210
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2822019310
10 CONTROL BOX, STANDARD 230 60 2822029230
CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2822029330
15 CONTROL BOX, DELUXE 230 60 2822039330
CONTROL BOX, XL DELUXE 230 60 2822039621